![](https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/c5321a48-ec18-451b-af45-ab812564e2b1.png) # Shop Setup Guide :::info Hit the spacebar to start ::: --- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> <p> If this is your first time logging into ZGo, you will be presented with the Business Sign-Up page. </p> <p> The first step is to enter the contact details of your business: <ul> <li>Name</li> <li>Contact information</li> </ul> <p>You can then review and accept our <a href="https://zgo.cash/info.html" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a>. </p> </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/ff206944-c756-4c8b-96e7-74cc558ec9f4.png" /> </div> </div> --- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> <p> Now you can select the session duration that fits your need, for details visit our <a href="https://zgo.cash/features.html#pricing" target="_blank">pricing</a> page. </p> <p> ZGo will provide a QR code so you can send the shielded payment. </p> <p> Once the payment is confirmed on-chain, you will have access to your shop. </p> </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/4c9e5c5b-c0ac-4a32-84a4-149b05a16373.png" /> </div> </div> --- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> <p>Your new ZGo shop is ready!</p> <p> In th Settings page you can select: <ul> <li>Base currency</li> <li>Zcash formatting (ZEC or zatoshis)</li> <li>Payment confirmation (requires your <a href="https://zgo.cash/faq.html#vkey" target="_blank">viewing key</a></li> </ul> </p> </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/2412b54c-131a-4704-9f37-70c52a5e704f.png" /> </div> </div> --- For any questions or feedback, please [contact us](https://zgo.cash/contact.html).