![](https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/c5321a48-ec18-451b-af45-ab812564e2b1.png) # Login Guide :::info Hit the spacebar to start ::: ---- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> <p>Visit <a href="https://app.zgo.cash/">https://app.zgo.cash/</a></p> <p>Click on <code>[Link Wallet]</code></p> </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/372d22c7-b547-404f-a828-02f1e2bcff01.png" width="514" height="612" /> </div> </div> ---- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> <p>ZGo will display a QR code so you can login using your wallet.</p> <p> If you are using the same device for ZGo and your wallet, use the wallet link or the copy buttons to populate your transaction manually. </p> </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/a8f36ede-f6f1-4ee6-aaf5-f250f96f0e21.png" /> </div> </div> ---- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> <p>When sending the transaction, make sure you include your address in the memo.</p> <p> For example, YWallet provides a checkbox to include your address for you. </p> </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/70fb2f4f-b195-40d7-9fa0-c9a29e0f042d.png" /> </div> </div> ---- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> In ZecWallet Lite, you can copy your address from the [Receive] tab, and paste it in the memo field after you scan the QR code, before sending your transaction. </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/14e0e525-adbe-45cd-8690-bd5668390e02.png" /> </div> </div> --- <div style="display: flex; vertical-align: center;"> <div style="flex:1;"> <p>Once ZGo confirms the transaction on-chain, you will receive your PIN in a shielded memo:</p> </div> <div style="flex:1;"> <img src="https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/0a34d6d8-4475-4b88-98a0-719cd2eb34f2.png" /> </div> </div> --- ![](https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/uploads/fa477abd-dc38-43c5-9d62-ba308def6d4a.png =380x) Enter the PIN and you have finished the login process. If this is your first time logging in, check out our [Shop Setup Guide](https://hedgedoc.vergara.tech/p/u24QCb0Gd#/).